You joined Facebook, which just proves Zuckerberg's plan is working. Whatever it is.
First, it was people tagging you.
Then poking you. (Or maybe it was vice versa. Whatevs.)
Soon after, your feed got the 'Villes
virus with people needing stuff. Rather than run away, you're following
your curiosity into the gaming wilds of Facebook. To quote a title
that's not on the ginormous social network, it's dangerous to go alone.
Take these games with you.

Facebook became the next place Indiana Jones fans to look for their
favorite archeologist. Zynga's jungle offering has you joining a society
of explorers as they look for treasure. And build structures, of
course. Lots of structures.
A Good Match for: Saturday morning serial fans. The piecemeal nature of AdventureWorld's
mechanics actually makes you feel like you're on a grand journey, with
convenient breaks in between. Instead of coming back next week after you
find treasure, you only need to wait a day or so.
Not for Those Who Want: Tomb Raider. AdventureWorld may have more derring-do than CityVille or Farmville but it's not a console-level action game but any means.
Here's how it looks in action.

Angry Birds Friends
You've heard of Angry Birds, perhaps? You've heard of Facebook? This is those two combined, which means you get a big batch of Angry Birds
levels for your bird-flicking-into-obstacles pleasure, but you also get
weekly tournaments that challenge you to out-score your friends across
five custom levels. They have new levels each week, and many of them are
as devilish as they are imaginative.
A Good Match for: People who don't want to pay for Angry Birds or play it on a phone or tablet. You play this one with a mouse and it's free for everyone.
Not for Those Who Want:
A Facebook game that becomes more complex the more you play it. This is
a shallow distraction most of the time, and no amount of playing it
will give you the sort of item-unlocking progress that persistent play
of many other Facebook games provide (unless you count getting new
avatar items as progress). But, hey, you'll be getting better at playing Angry Birds, so there's that.
Here's how it looks in action.
Marvel: Avengers Alliance
Avengers Alliance
is a turn-based role-playing game featuring the entire Marvel Comics
Universe. You're an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., tasked with assembling the
mightiest team of super humans the world has ever seen. Collect iconic
super heroes as if they were stickers and deploy them on missions to
take down the forces of evil. Research new weapons to aid in old school
RPG battles with an easy-to-grasp rock-paper-scissors combat mechanic.
Revel in the control a man or woman in a black business suit has over
the most powerful beings in the universe.
A Good Match for:
Comic book fans. There's not much in the way of comic book-related
games on Facebook at the moment, and none of them are quite this good.
Next to the classic four-player arcade game, this is probably the best Avengers video game going.
Not for Those Who Want:
Action. This is an old school turn-based RPG. Cyclops, Iron Man, and
Captain America stand on one side of the screen, taking turns with the
enemy issuing simple battle commands. They gain experience. They level
up. It's a more thoughtful way of beating the heck out of the bad guys.
Here's how it looks in action.
Bubble Witch Saga
Bubble Witch Saga marries the colorful bubble-popping action of Bust-a-Move
with a skee ball-like scoring system and creates a truly engrossing
gaming experience. There are more than 150 levels to unlock and conquer,
your progress tracked on a colorful map filled with all of your
A Good Match for: Puzzle fans that aren't afraid to try, try again. Bubble Witch Saga
starts off easy but gets challenging real quick. As new obstacles are
added to the game's playfields you'll spend less and less time
progressing and more and more getting incredibly close to beating a
level and then failing miserably. The moment when you finally take down a
tough level is glorious, but you've got to work for it.
Not for Those Who Want: Immediate reward. They'll love the first 10 levels or so but might crumble once the going gets tough.
Here's how it looks in action.

Empires & Allies
Zynga game finally realized a proper purpose for the virtual real
estate you build on Facebook: to make that airplanes rain death on your
frenemies. Invading your friends' towns starts a turn-based conflict
that happens on land, sea or air. Who needs crops?
A Good Match for: Advance Wars fans. Who knows when Nintendo's going to update its classic strategy franchise? E&A's a good substitute—complete with storyline and boss fights—that you can play with dedicated hardware.
Not for Those Who Want:
A solo experience. You still need friends to wage war against. So get
ready to piss some acquaintance off and get to fighting it out.
Here's how it looks in action.

PixelJunk Monsters Online
Q-Games crafted an incredibly sticky, punishingly difficult single-player game for the PS3 a few years back. PixelJunk Monsters Online takes the same game and migrates it to the Web, where you're not only defending territory but expanding it as well.
A Good Match for: Alpha males and females. The social overlay for PMO
turns friends into rivals and encourages you to grab at their
grasslands. It's finally your chance to be a video game boss. Make
everyone proud, okay?
Not for Those Who Want: To be isolationists. All the action happens on a shared world map, which means someone will come gunning for you. Be ready.

Robot Unicorn Attack: Evolution
The first Robot Unicorn
was a Facebook classic, and the sequel ups the ante in just about every
way. Now there are more animals, more power-ups, and… well, still just
the one song. But who would want to change that? Best of all, it's the
rare Facebook game that's cool enough that you won't mind if it tells
your friends you're playing it.
A Good Match for: Erasure fans, panda fans, unicorn fans, people who like colors.
Not for Those Who Want: Erasure haters, panda haters, people who hate unicorns and colors.
Here's how it looks in action.

Words with Friends
Part of what helped Facebook become a gaming powerhouse was networked word games like Words with Friends. WWF stands out because of its robust client and speedy refresh, making it so that you can hammer out rounds as quickly as you want.
A Good Match for: On-the-go types. The grid's slightly different than other such games, but the main draw for Words with Friends
is its cross-platform functionality. iOS and Android apps access the
same game that lives on the web, meaning that you'll be able to nail
that triple word score on your way back from the gym.
Not for Those Who Want: To know what they'll score. There's a certain suspense that WWF generates by virtue of not letting you know what your word is worth until after you play it.

You Don't Know Jack
the irreverent trivia game that in some ways defined the 90s,
reincarnated in a sharp, current, updated way that takes full advantage
of the friend connections Facebook has to offer. It actually uses
asynchronous gameplay effectively, to let you compete against your
friends (and strangers) as if in real time.
A Good Match For:
Anyone who likes silliness, who could use a bit more PG-13 humor in
their day, or who wants to prove to their family how much smarter they
are in six minutes or less.
Not for Those Who Want: Straightlaced, cooperative trivia. You Don't Know Jack will try to mislead you with puns. Don't let it. Other players can use boosts to augment their scores. Beat them anyway.
Here's how it looks in action.
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